European Union Reference Laboratory for
Insects and Mites

The Entomology and Botany Unit covers all regulated insect and mite species, as well as invasive exotic plants. It plays a major role in the discovery and assessment of risks to plant health related to new species introduced in France and Europe. The Unit carries out reference, research and scientific monitoring activities in the field of entomology, acarology and invasive plants. It directly meets the regulatory analysis needs of the supervisory authorities and provides more broadly services for the identification of arthropods and plants of agronomic interest to the agricultural profession.
The Unit is involved in the design and publication of reference analysis methods and identification tools using morphobiometric techniques. The unit carries out expertise and organizes training according to the needs of the participants.
Since 2010, the Unit has been designated National Reference Laboratory and it has been located on the site of the Centre for Biology and Management of Populations (CBGP) in Montferrier-sur-Lez (Montpellier). It maintains structuring scientific collaborations with various local partners (INRA, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro...) and it has access to exceptional insect collections and bibliographic resources.
In the picture, from the left: Sarah Chérasse, Guillaume Fried, Raphaëlle Mouttet, Philippe Reynaud, Pascal Rousse, David Ouvrard, Andrea Taddei. Jean-Marie Ramel asserts his right not to appear in the picture.
The Institute for Sustainable Plant Production is the officially nominated Austrian serves as NRL for Insects and Mites, Nematodes, Viruses, Viroids and Phytoplasmas, Bacteria, Fungi and Oomycetes. The experts of plant health have a longstanding and extensive expertise in analyzing samples by molecular and serological tests and in classical morphological-morphometric identification of plant pests. The laboratories have implemented European and international diagnostic standards (e.g. EPPO, IPPC), but also horizontal standards in terms of quality assurance. The experts are actively involved in the development of these standards. Staff members are part of the European Plant Health network as members in different EFSA and EPPO expert groups or partners in Euphresco and other international research projects.
In the picture, from the left: Christa Lethmayer, Alois Egartner, Anna Moyses, Katharina Wechselberger, Doris Bosch, Richard Gottsberger, Claudia Heiss, Christina Lippitz, Helga Reisenzein, Sylvia Blümel, Gudrun Strauss.