European Union Reference Laboratory for
Insects and Mites

Fruit fly larvae are the harmful organisms that are most frequently intercepted during inspection of imported fruits and vegetables at EU ports of entry. After the new list of regulated fruit fly taxa introduced by Regulation (EU) 2021/2285, there is a strong need to improve the skills of National Reference Laboratories in the identification of these pests, which are frequently intercepted as larva during inspection of imported fruits and vegetables from Third Countries. This training aims to provide deeper insight into morphological identification of Tephritidae larvae. Participants will learn about the most commonly encountered Diptera families of economic significance, the preparation and slide mounting of fruit fly larvae, the morphological features useful in the identification of the most frequently intercepted taxa for a better preparedness to a rapid and reliable diagnosis.
The training will take place in the EURL facilities in Montferrier-sur-Lez (Montpellier) on November 7th-8th (2 days). A maximum number of 6 participants can be accepted.
EVENT CONCLUDED - Please, find all the presentations of the event by clicking HERE